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Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Mar 06, 2019
In General Discussions
I have struggled to know what to use this space for. I wanted it something special and profound for those of you that took the time to sign up. Well.....I haven't found that special or that profound thing to share but then I got to thinking. Maybe you just want to know maybe you're not alone, that maybe we share the same struggles.We all struggle with one thing or another and we all fight our way through a fair share of this life. I wonder how to we make our journey better? What can I do to make a difference? Well this might be nothing but I have decided to put little things on here that I found help me and maybe someday it will help some one else. Random thoughts, funny stories and things to just let you know me better and maybe see something that helps. Who knows. Here we go. I have been working on goals, little goals, very little goals. They say make small subtle changes which will turn into habits and your more likely to succeed. Okay I do believe a certain part of that so I'll give it a whirl. This is going to sound crazy but two goals I have set for myself is to floss my teeth every day and read a small devotional every day. How small are those goals?! Heck added together they don't even add up to 5 minutes. You might ask why I choose these goals. First I hate, haaaatte going to the dentist. You have no idea, I think I would rather have surgery before going to the dentist. I don't have to be sedated or anything but it is one things I would avoid like the plague if I could get away with it. But I make myself go for if I keep up with the simpler things hopefully I can keep the number of bigger thing down to where I'm not dealing with them very often. I have been cavity free for 2 year but if I don't start flossing I'm going to in that stupid chair more then I care for. So it boils down to my goal is solely for avoidance. Good grief. Second goal, reading a small devotional daily. This is how I have started my day for the past two weeks. I saw a devotional in store and it was on sale. Flipped through it and thought you should do this. I had been feeling frustrated, lost and not sure really where I was headed for some strange reason. The good Lord has always been a strong part of my life but when I saw the devotional I realized that I hadn't been working with him one on one like I was use to. Completely my fault but there it was. Looking at that book was like him hitting me over the head saying "you dimwit, I'm right here to help if you would just let me". And since remembering to bring the lord into my day I have been happier and more content. I dont know how some nurses can do their jobs without handing some of the worry over to a higher power. Goals are good to have. Just like this new one I just started. Writing on here more. Reaching out to people that follow me and my crazy ideas. I'm glad your here and I hope I haven't driven you away. Start small they say and I'm all over that. My entries may or may not be soap related but I figure if your following me on all my other social media sites you probably get enough of soap. This forum is Mel, the soap maker, the nurse, the mom,the wife, the vet tech, the gardener and anything else I find myself in. We will see how long this last. Good night ya'll.😉
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Dec 17, 2018
In General Discussions
Just a peek at what it looks like while my soap cures. I don't have room downstairs for a big Christmas tree so I have a little Charlie brown tree that sits on the coffee table. The soap sits beside it as left by Santa waiting to be unwrapped. The soap maker is an anxious kid waiting for Christmas morning to cut it. 😉
Behind the scenes content media
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Nov 11, 2018
In General Discussions
Today is Veteran's day. I struggle with trying to honor and thank the men and women that make this country great because I feel what ever I do seems so little in comparison to what they have done. I have had family members lay everything down and with God's graces they came home. We are a very lucky family for all our members came home. They had several close calls and they do say they didn't know why they did come home. A miracle was the only explanation. I remember small stories from my grandfathers about what they went through but I know those where the better memories that they could share with out digging up the worst. I think of them fondly and almost continuous today due to the sacrifice they did make. I wish that my boys got to meet them and and hear their stories for they need to know what it takes and the sacrifices that where made. I do my best to let them know what wonderful men they were but its lost with generations especially when they don't remember them. Again probably why history always repeats itself, we forget or never are able to learn of the bravery that is need to keep a country free. I do my best to make them aware they only have a comfortable home and freedoms because of the men and women that have laid it all down. You, as a veteran are bigger then me for you have stepped up the plate. I can't thank you enough but I can only say thank you and love and care for you when you're home. The veterans that came to me know you will get the respect you deserve, a listening ear if you need it and I will do my absolute best to make your life easier for you have done the same for every American. Again thank you to everyone that serves and has served in our military. You have my respect and thanks.
The sacrifice remembered content media
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Nov 09, 2018
In General Discussions
My son was working on a homework assignment while I was working on this soap. His story inspired this soap. He was suppose to transform a fairy tail into something with his own spin. He ended up turning the three little pigs into the three little parrots. As I proof read his story it was fun to see a farm kids perspective on things. The nests of the parrots got pretty inventive and he had two of the parrots die. There was not pussy footing around the fact that they died, they were just dead. "Well served them right mom for they where not very smart on building their nests" he said as I was giggling reading his story. So in light of this the colors are inspired by the three little parrots, the two parrots ultimate demise and my boys way at looking at the world. Be like the last parrot who got inventive with steel, had a safe home and had lunch with mom at the end of the story. This soap will be available Nov 24th at my open house.
Another sneak peek  content media
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Nov 05, 2018
In General Discussions
I think most of you are familiar with who I am and what Ido but thought I might give you some more insight. Today I got to play a role I love so much but don't have to opportunity to do very often. Be a farmers/rancher wife. We vaccinated the cows and calves today. I have many years under my belt at working with cattle. It started when I was very young with my parents herd. Through college I worked at a sale yard and for the vet at the sales yard. Now it has blossomed into our own herd. I can be a wicked secretary, run a syringe like no other and be pretty good at helping to sort. I've laid a brand on a time or two but I'm to picky when I don't have a perfect brand that I hate doing it. I love running away with John, my husband, and spending a day with him working cows for the local ranchers in the area. I'm a farm girl at heart and I want to stand behind agriculture as much as I can. We all have to eat and putting good stock in the meat like makes me feel like I'm making a difference.
Introduction to the women behind the dream content media
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Nov 03, 2018
In General Discussions
Welcome to those that have joined this little group already! This is a learning curve but I hope that this will be something you guys will enjoy and keep up with the goings ones of CHB. Be patient with me as I learn to make this exceptional for you! In the mean time here is a sneak peek of a Christmas soap that will be at my open house later this month. Feel free to join me.
Hello Everyone!! content media
Melanie Gallup, owner and operator
Nov 03, 2018
In General Discussions
It’s good to have you here! Feel free to share anything - stories, ideas, pictures or whatever is on your mind. Here you can start discussions, connect with members, reply to comments, and more. Have something to say? Leave a comment or share a post!
Welcome to the Forum! content media

Melanie Gallup, owner and operator

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