Today is Veteran's day. I struggle with trying to honor and thank the men and women that make this country great because I feel what ever I do seems so little in comparison to what they have done. I have had family members lay everything down and with God's graces they came home. We are a very lucky family for all our members came home. They had several close calls and they do say they didn't know why they did come home. A miracle was the only explanation. I remember small stories from my grandfathers about what they went through but I know those where the better memories that they could share with out digging up the worst. I think of them fondly and almost continuous today due to the sacrifice they did make. I wish that my boys got to meet them and and hear their stories for they need to know what it takes and the sacrifices that where made. I do my best to let them know what wonderful men they were but its lost with generations especially when they don't remember them. Again probably why history always repeats itself, we forget or never are able to learn of the bravery that is need to keep a country free. I do my best to make them aware they only have a comfortable home and freedoms because of the men and women that have laid it all down. You, as a veteran are bigger then me for you have stepped up the plate. I can't thank you enough but I can only say thank you and love and care for you when you're home. The veterans that came to me know you will get the respect you deserve, a listening ear if you need it and I will do my absolute best to make your life easier for you have done the same for every American. Again thank you to everyone that serves and has served in our military. You have my respect and thanks.
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The sacrifice remembered
The sacrifice remembered
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